Lectionary Links (NL): December 18, 2016
Year 3: December 18, 2016
Preaching Text: Luke 1:26-49
Nobody Rides the Unicorn by Adrian Mitchell
(Written for ages 5-9)
Comment: In her commentary on this text, Ruth Anne Reese discusses God’s tendencies toward status reversal. “Gabriel… is sent to a young virgin with no stated family connections in a rural backwater. This young woman of low status in a male dominated society is the person that God has favored, to whom God is present…” Zoe, a quiet, gentle, beggar, orphan girl is a nobody, too. Like Mary, Zoe embodies courage and a desire for justice. As you read this text and story, reflect on what it means for a nobody to be the somebody God calls. Share stories in your congregation of people considered nobodies by our social and cultural standards who courageously say yes to God.
The Year 3 Narrative Lectionary Links are written by regular contributor Noell Rathbun-Cook
Lectionary Links (NL): December 18, 2016 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.