Lectionary Links (NL): December 31 2017
First Sunday of Christmas
Year 3: December 31, 2017
Preaching Text: John 1:19-34
Maybe God Is Like That Too by Jennifer Grant
(Written for ages 5-9)
Comment: In his reflections on this text, David Lose highlights the nature of evangelism, as it is modeled by John the Baptist. “At its heart, evangelism is noticing what God is doing in our lives, sharing that with others, and inviting them to come and see for themselves.” In Grant’s story, a grandmother does these three things for her grandson when he says he has never seen God. She helps him to see God’s Spirit at work in the actions of people all around him. As the day ends, he reflects: “I know what God is like. Maybe I can be like that too.” As you read this text and story, consider how your life expresses the good news of God, being mindful of opportunities to notice, share, and invite others into that experience.
Thanks to regular contributor Noell Rathbun for writing the Year 4 Narrative Lectionary Links.
Lectionary Links (NL): December 31 2017 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.