Lectionary Links (NL): February 12, 2017
Year 3: February 12, 2017
Preaching Text: Luke 7:18-35
The Great AAA-OOO by Jonny Lambert
(Written for ages 5-9)
Comment: Picking up from the text last week, news of Jesus is spreading around the region and John wishes to know if Jesus is the one whose coming he’s been preparing the people for. In hearing about Jesus’ actions, John thought he might be the one, but John’s disciples seeing Jesus in action would have confirmed it. Sometimes we need to experience something through more than one of our senses to have a clearer understanding. This is true for the animals who hear the great AAA-OOO in the night, mistaking one another for making the sound, and finally becoming convinced a monster is on the way to eat them. Only when they hear and see the wolf AAA-OOO, do they know the true identity of the one making the sound. This text and story invite us to consider how the various experiences of our senses help us to recognize and identify Jesus.
The Narrative Lectionary Links for Year 3 are written by Noell Rathbun-Cook, Minister of Children, Families and Liturgical Arts at Grace Baptist Church, Richmond, VA.
Lectionary Links (NL): February 12, 2017 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
I am confused by the selection of a book appropriate to RCL’s Year C when 2017 is Year A.
Cynthia, this is a post for the Narrative Lectionary which follows a different pattern than the Revised Common Lectionary. The Narrative Lectionary for Year 3 is going through Luke this spring. We post book suggestions for the Narrative Lectionary on Wednesdays and for the Revised Common Lectionary on Fridays.