Lectionary Links (NL): July 7, 2019
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year 1: July 7, 2019
Preaching Text: Psalm 40:1-10
The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
(Written for ages 5-6)
Comment: In Psalm 40, the psalm writer says they have not hidden the good news of God, have not concealed it or restrained themselves from sharing it within the great congregation. They didn’t think the good news only belonged to a single individual or was to be kept private and secret. The good news of God was meant to be shared with the great congregation, spread out amongst other people. In The Curious Garden, Liam lives in a city that is dreary and dead, without any greenery or gardening in it. He begins to tend a small garden, but it doesn’t stay small. It blooms and multiplies, and eventually the whole city comes to life and is full of greenery and gardens, and the people come out of their homes to see and participate. Like the Psalmist, who did not keep the good news of God private, Liam does not keep the garden private, but shares it in the great congregation of his city. We, too, like the Psalmist, ought not hide the good news of God. We ought to share it in the great congregation. When we do, like Liam’s garden, that word will spread and bear good fruit in the lives of the people around us, the members of the great congregation.
Thanks to Sara Anne Berger, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Nachitoches, LA, for writing the Year 1 Narrative Lectionary Links.
Lectionary Links (NL): July 7, 2019 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.