Lectionary Links (NL): June 28, 2020
Year 2: June 28, 2020
Older Than the Stars by Karen Fox
(Written for ages 7-10)
Comment: After several weeks of hearing from Job, we finally hear God’s “out of the whirlwind.” God begins at the very beginning, focusing on the act of creating the world and setting its limits. The Lord is rather sarcastic with Job, encouraging him to “tell me, if you have understanding!” One of the overall themes of this passage is God’s control in creation. The waters are wild, but the Lord sets a limit on them. The earth’s foundations are measured and set. The clouds are designed as a “swaddling band” to surround the earth. In 2020, we have a bit more understanding than Job about the origins of the universe – though there are still plenty of mysteries with which God might confront us! Fox’s book gives children insight into the scientific background of the Big Bang and origins of life on earth – up through the appearance of humans. While science helps us understand some of God’s efforts in creation, we can affirm that God is in control of the creative process. Older children may benefit from learning the term “sovereignty” – the idea that God is in control – while also affirming the degree of freedom granted to things like the waves, clouds, and yes: human beings.
Thanks to Joshua Andrzejewski, Union Presbyterian Seminary alumnus and chaplain for the pediatric and women’s health units in the VCU Medical Center, for writing the Year 2 Narrative Lectionary Links.
Lectionary Links (NL): June 28, 2020 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.