Lectionary Links (NL): June 3, 2018
Year B: June 3, 2018
Preaching Text: Exodus 20:3-11
Leap Back Home to Me by Lauren Thompson
(Written for ages 2-6)
Comment: The first four commandments shared in today’s text draw our focus to God, the intiator and sustainer of the covenant relationship with God’s people. The latter six commandments will deal with relationships among people in God’s beloved community. but life as God’s people finds its source in the worship of God and patterning our lives after God’s creative activity in the world. Worshiping God alone, recognizing the power of God’s Word and honoring God through a rhythm of worship and rest establishes that our first priorities in life are to love and serve God! Through our commitment and response to God’s creative and sustaining love, we are enabled to live in ways that bring life.
Leap Back Home to Me shows an exuberant young frog leaping over daisies, trees, clouds. In the midst of all of this leaping, however, it becomes apparent that the young frog’s ability to leap over higher and higher objects rests in the sure and certain love of the young frog’s mother. “Leap back home to me” is a refrain that occurs over and over again as the images accompanying the phrase show the mother frog doing such things as reading, serving a meal, providing art supplies. It is the mother’s love and lifegiving structure that enable the young frog to leap higher and higher. In first recognizing God alone as the source and enabler of life, we too are freed to be our best selves in community with others.
This week’s Narrative Lectionary Links are written by Union Presbyterian Seminary alumna Ann Thimas Knox.
Lectionary Links (NL): June 3, 2018 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.