Why Use Fantasy Literature in the Church?
At first blush, the answer to this question is an easy one. We should use fantasy literature because our kids love it. But we need to go deeper than that. After all, we all love things that aren’t necessarily good for nurturing our faith development…chocolate, for example. So, why DO children (of all ages) like fantasy and how can we use it as an educational tool in the church? Are there certain guidelines we should follow, specific criteria to look for, particular story lines that are acceptable? Yes…and no. I’ve found that even the absence of explicit Christian themes can be a talking point about our faith.
To read more about how to select good fantasy literature, and see some suggestions for books in this genre, download this article by Kelly Hames, MACE student at Union-PSCE in Charlotte.
Why Use Fantasy Literature in the Church? by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.