Lectionary Links (NL): April 29, 2018
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Year 4: April 29, 2018
Preaching Text: Acts 17:16-31
Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
(Written for ages 5-9)
Comment: In his commentary on this text, professor O. Wesley Allen Jr. notes that while Paul calls out idolatry, he does not condemn those to whom he is speaking. He invites us to consider this text as a model of evangelism. “We should not expect our faith to resonate with all those with whom we share it, and it is not our place to condemn those who choose a different path. We welcome in those who desire to join us and hopefully open ourselves to further conversation with those willing to engage us again.” Those Shoes explores idolatry in our own culture. Materialism is wrapped up in our praise, worship, and longing. Jeremy wants so badly to have those shoes, and while his grandmother seeks to help him make smart choices, she does not judge him when he purchases and tries to wear a too small pair of those shoes. This text and story invite us to explore the meaning of evangelism and consider how we are witnesses of God and faith through our daily living and the relationships we build.
Thanks to regular contributor and Union Presbyterian Seminary alumna Noell Rathbun for writing the Year 4 Narrative Lectionary Links.
Lectionary Links (NL): April 29, 2018 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.