Lectionary Links (NL): August 27, 2017
Year 3: August 27, 2017
Preaching Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
A Hungry Lion, or A Dwindling Assortment of Animals by Lucy Ruth Cummins
(Written for ages 4-7)
Comment: In this text we are given a glimpse of the tension that exists among the Corinthian community. When they come together to share communion, some of the members are eating and drinking to excess while others go hungry. This type of gathering, exhorts Paul, “is not really [coming together] to eat the Lord’s supper.” Cummins’ book also highlights a community meal gone terribly wrong. The animals’ birthday celebration, much like our celebration of communion, should bind the community together, not further separate them. This text and story challenge us to consider how we, like the lion and the Corinthians, might allow our hunger to mislead us.
Thanks to Noell Rathbun, Minister of Children, Families and Liturgical Arts at Grace Baptist Church, Richmond, VA, for writing the Year 3 Narrative Lectionary Links.
Lectionary Links (NL): August 27, 2017 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.