Lectionary Links: Sunday, February 27, 2011
8TH Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year A: February 27th
First Reading: Isaiah 49:8-16A
All Things Bright and Beautiful by Cecil F. Alexander and Ashley Bryan (Written for Grades Pre K- 3)
This scripture passage provides us with imagery of the exodus from Egypt and how the protective hand of God guided and delivered the children of Israel. God’s unconditional love and compassion are reasons to sing his name in praise, as does the beautiful story in this picture book. Through the use of a beloved hymn, a multicultural celebration of God and creation are depicted. This book illustrates that God’s hand is over everyone and everything created. And, that God’s love, like that of a mother for her child, engulfs us, protects us and will never forsake us.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Little Pink Pup by Johanna Kerby (Written for Grades Pre-K – 3)
On a small farm in West Virginia, a tiny runt piglet, Pink, who is too weak to survive with his eleven brothers and sisters, is taken into the house. A mother dachshund, Tink, accepts the piglet as one of her own. Loved by Tink and her pups, Pink starts to eat. He enjoys the warm blankets, over the cold straw in the barn. He loves to get his ears scratched but squeals loudly at bath time. When he’s big enough to eat solid food, he refuses to eat pig food, preferring puppy food like his new brothers and sisters. Pink thrives in his new family. Pink never grows as big as his pig siblings but he is okay because he is exactly the same size as the puppies and they don’t mind that Pink doesn’t look anything like them. Pink finds acceptance and love, not judgment from his dog family. The reading from 1 Corinthians challenges us, by reminding us that we do not belong to ourselves, but to Christ, and we are not to judge others or even ourselves, but to be accepting like the pups were to Pink. They did not judge him because he was different but accepted and loved their piglet brother without judgment, demonstrating for us that God is the only one who can truly judge any of us.
Third Reading: Matthew 6:24-34
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands by Kadir Nelson (Written for Grades Pre K – 3)
This story, described through the wonderful words of an old spiritual, and depicted in a picture book, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands clearly illustrates our belief as Christians that there is no person, creature, place or situation that is exempt from the love and care of God and that as God’s children, we have no need to worry because God will supply our every need. Likewise, we are reminded by our passage that God provides for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, so most assuredly God will provide for His children. Worrying is unproductive and causes our separation from God. We must live by faith, confident in God’s love and the hands with which God holds us.
This week’s Lectionary Links was written by Union Presbyterian Seminary student Donna Fair.
Lectionary Links: Sunday, February 27, 2011 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.