Lectionary Links: Sunday, January 17, 2016
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Year C: January 17, 2016
First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5
Miss Hazeltine’s Home for Shy and Fearful Cats by Alicia Potter
(Written for ages 5-9)
Comment: In her commentary on this text, Valerie Bridgeman Davis highlights the prophet’s calling for a new name. “Naming is powerful. What someone calls you defines you.” (Feasting on the Word, Year C, Volume 1, p. 245) People exile their cats to Miss Hazeltine’s home because they are shy and fearful. Miss Hazeltine has faith in the cats when no one else does. Eventually they come to define themselves with a new name: “Shy and Pretty Brave If You Ask Us Cats.” Use this text and story to explore the power of naming oneself and being named by others. Wonder together how names can shape our character and define us.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Wild About Us! by Karen Beaumont
(Written for ages 4-8)
Comment: In reflecting upon this text, Professor Caroline Lewis asks, “Can these words from Paul help us to embrace difference, to look for difference, and to entertain the idea that cookie-cutter Christians are not whom God has in mind?” (http://www.workingpreacher.
Gospel Reading: John 2:1-11
No Dogs Allowed! by Linda Ashman
(Written for ages 4-8)
Comment: Robert M. Brearley highlights the fact that Jesus’s ministry in the gospel of John begins with the miracle of turning water into wine so the party can continue. He calls people to “Give thanks for everyone in your church and in your life who has the knack for throwing a party. What a way to begin a ministry!” (Feasting on the Word, Year C, Volume 1, p. 264) Linda Ashman’s picture book helps children visualize the way hospitality and abundance shared at a party can pour over into a grace-filled ministry. After the lemonade runs out, a boy encourages a grumpy bistro owner to help a crowd of people and animals continue their party. In the end, a bistro that once shuttered its doors to many, becomes a place of welcome for all.
The Lectionary Links this week are written by regular contributor Noell Rathbun Cook.
Lectionary Links: Sunday, January 17, 2016 by Storypath is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.